
Singapore Faces Life Without Lee

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SINGAPORE — For most Singaporeans, it is inconceivable that the government does not have Lee Kuan Yew at the helm or very near it.

That break with the past came sooner than expected on Saturday with the announcement that Mr. Lee, 87, had relinquished the reverential title of “minister mentor” and stepped down from active politics after more than half a century at the very top.

Mr. Lee remains a member of Parliament and his son is prime minister, but he said over the weekend that he and Goh Chok Tong, another former prime minister, were stepping down from the cabinet to allow “a younger generation to carry Singapore forward in a more difficult and complex situation.”

“A younger generation, besides having a noncorrupt and meritocratic government and a high standard of living, wants to be more engaged in the decisions which affect them,” the statement said.

Mr. Lee has been the pre-eminent leader of Singapore, as flag-bearer of independence, as prime minister of the republic for 25 years and later another 21 years in the cabinet as senior minister and then as minister mentor.

No one is predicting that Mr. Lee’s exit will bring a shake-up of the tightly managed political system that helped turn Singapore from an economic backwater at independence in 1965 and fueled its transformation into a modern financial hub.

Rather, there was a sense that the blunt-speaking Mr. Lee, with his impatience of dissent — he once told The Straits Times, “We decide what is right. Never mind what the people think” — was out of touch with the mood and expectations of the people of Singapore, and it was time to move on.

That was underlined the month in the general election, which the governing People’s Action Party won but with smallest share of the vote since independence in 1965.

“The old way of doing things was increasingly being seen as anachronistic, and being out of touch or even being seen as dictatorial,” said Eugene Tan, assistant professor at the Singapore Management University. “And so I think it is a break from the past.”

Some of Mr. Lee’s comments may have cost the People’s Action Party votes at the election, other commentators have said. Mr. Lee said during the campaign that if a constituency voted for the opposition the voters would have “five years to repent.” Mr. Lee was unopposed in his constituency in the May 7 general election, but the People’s Action Party returned to power with only about 60 percent of the popular vote.

His son, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, said after the election: “Many wish for the government to adopt a different style and approach. It marks a distinct shift in our political landscape.”

He has not made a decision on the resignations of Mr. Goh and his father, but was expected to finalize the new cabinet early this week.

The Straits Times, the city-state’s main newspaper, said in an analysis on Sunday that when Lee Kuan Yew took over, the nation “had yet to learn to read and write, far less to create jobs.”

“Close engagement of the mass citizenry was not only unnecessary but would have been a nonstarter.”

Now, the newspaper said, “there is not only an implicit acknowledgement that their styles may no longer be in sync with the expectations of a younger generation, but that they may also no longer have an instinctive sense of the ground.”

Still, there is no question that Mr. Lee’s policies, which have brought surging economic growth, will continue to guide Singapore for decades, analysts said. Any changes are likely to be only at the margins.

“In terms of policy substance, strategic directions, I don’t think there will be change,” said Mr. Tan. “I think we will see change in the form of government in terms of how policies are packaged, how they are presented, how they are communicated, implemented, how people are consulted.”

And while there will be political inclusiveness, there is unlikely to be complete tolerance of dissent, he added.

“We can certainly expect the government to be a lot more responsive, to pay more attention, to get more buy-in rather than trying to dictate to the people,” Mr. Tan said. “I think we will see dissent being tolerated more, we will see the avenues for political expression being widened, but like it or not, community interest will still take priority over individual interest.”

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