
Bits: Google Executives Throw Themselves Into the Google+ Fray

在 ServiceModel 客户端配置部分中,找不到引用协定“TranslatorService.LanguageService”的默认终结点元素。这可能是因为未找到应用程序的配置文件,或者是因为客户端元素中找不到与此协定匹配的终结点元素。
在 ServiceModel 客户端配置部分中,找不到引用协定“TranslatorService.LanguageService”的默认终结点元素。这可能是因为未找到应用程序的配置文件,或者是因为客户端元素中找不到与此协定匹配的终结点元素。

It may be too soon to say whether Google+, the search company’s answer to Facebook, will avoid the same disastrous fate as some of its earlier social networking products like Buzz and Wave, but there’s no shortage of action on the site among those who have early access.

Members are already sharing content and photos through the site, but it seems as though most of the activity revolves around poring over the intricate details of the service and dissecting the best ways to use the features of the service.

There’s another unlikely suspect jumping into the fray: Googlers.

When Danny Sullivan, a noted blogger and early users, complained that it was difficult to set up an account for his blog, Bradley Horowitz, vice president of product management who is overseeing the project jumped in to clarify that the service wasn’t yet set up for that. On another thread, where users were discussing the challenges around sorting their networks into groups for sharing, Jim Prosser, another Googler who works in public relations, gave tips on how to more easily shuffle friends around.

The transparency is not uncommon for smaller start-ups, whose momentum rests almost entirely on their ability to listen to user feedback and nimbly and quickly respond to bugs and glitches in the system. But for the larger companies, such as Apple, Facebook and Microsoft, it is not as common to see executives directly involved with the project working with users in real time to answer questions and resolve issues. Google has a lot riding on the success of Google+, its latest effort to build a successful social networking service that won’t turn people off or cause them to cry privacy foul. Google has long hoped to understand the social connections and interests of its users. It also hopes to gain access to data and information about the links, topics, photos and products that its users are sharing with each other to improve targeted advertisements. This, in turn, helps them compete with Facebook, which has long reaped the benefits of having access to such data.

Mr. Horowitz, who was also involved with Google Buzz, said that it was not uncommon for him to join discussions about product introductions to try and answer questions and give feedback.

“Obviously in a launch like this, for a product like this, direct engagement is the best and most important means of understanding what’s working and how to prioritize features,” he said.

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