
Hague Judge Orders Mladic Removed From Courtroom

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“Don’t read it to me, not a single word,” Mr. Mladic had said moments earlier in a tense exchange with Judge Alphons Orie, as the judge prepared to read out a long list of criminal charges.

It was the second court appearance in The Hague for Mr. Mladic, who was captured in May after nearly 16 years on the run. The hearing was his opportunity to enter a plea on the grave charges he faces, including genocide, persecution, deportation and other atrocities of the 1992-1995 Bosnian war. A court appointed-lawyer for Mr. Mladic had already said the former general would refuse to cooperate until he could bring in his own legal team.

But instead of boycotting the session, as he had warned, Mr. Mladic seemed intent on making his presence felt.

The former general, known for his cruelty during the war, tried pity before defiance. After the judge ordered him to take off his cap, he asked to keep it on because he said his head was cold. When the judge said he could have “two or three minutes” to speak, Mr. Mladic, 69, replied: “Since I’m an elderly man and sickly, can I have five minutes?”

Mr. Mladic is accused of the leading the worst Serb atrocities of the Bosnian war, which took 100,000 lives. He was trained, paid, equipped and given orders from Serbia during a conflict that drove more than one million people, most of them non-Serbs, from their homes in a bid to establish Serb-only territory. He was commander of Bosnian Serb troops and militia fighters during the 44-month siege of Sarajevo and the mass killings of about 8,000 captive men and boys at Srebrenica.

The angry court room exchanges between Mr. Mladic and his judges revolved mainly around the lawyers, which Mr. Mladic said he wanted and court managers said had not yet been vetted by the court.

“Mladic submitted a list of seven potential names just nine days ago,” said Nerma Jelacic, the court spokeswoman. “In the short time we had, we arranged meetings with six of the seven. When Mladic submits the final names, the court has to decide if they fulfill the requirements.”

In court on Monday, Mr. Mladic presented a different version. He said he would not enter a plea until his two lawyers, one from Serbia and one from Russia, were by his side. But his Russian lawyer had not yet come to The Hague, court officials said, and Milos Saljic, the Serbian lawyer, told The Associated Press that he did not qualify to represent Mr. Mladic at the United Nations tribunal because he did not speak English.

Judge Orie, who is from The Netherlands, repeatedly tried to persuade Mr. Mladic that legal representation was not up to the judges, but Mr. Mladic got increasingly impatient, kept disrupting the proceedings and ignored the judge’s warnings to stop gesturing to the public gallery.

As the judge began to read out the criminal charges, Mr. Mladic pulled off his earphones, shouting: “No, no, I’m not going to listen, you’re talking in vain.” And as security guards were ordered to escort him out of court, Mr. Mladic turned and shouted: “You are not a court! Who are you? You are not allowing me to breathe.”

With Mr. Mladic’s chair now empty, Judge Orie entered pleas of not guilty on all 11 charges on Mr. Mladic’s behalf, in keeping with the court’s rules for accused people who refuse to plead.

He set no date for the next hearing.

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